Currently viewing the tag: "Steve Hathaway"

My goodness, there are a ton of relief arms in camp this spring. I know, I know. This isn’t exactly unheard of as relievers, especially those not slated for late inning duty, are probably the most fungible assets in the game. They’re also the most volatile. With performances fluctuating wildly and sample sizes small, evaluating relievers is difficult in the …

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How do you know if something is broken? Usually, you give something a go and don’t get the desired effect. Maybe you try again and still get an error. Other times, after a second try, everything works just fine. There always little blips on the radar of life. I mean, we all have to cycle our routers once in a …

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The Diamondbacks’ bullpen burned down another one yesterday. Another day, another meltdown it seems. With pitching under the microscope every time out, the ninth inning getting away from Jake Barrett felt like just another blow during a difficult year. He recorded the first two outs of the inning, then deflected a ball that should have been the routine third out, …

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